Monday, 6 October 2014

DBDC Blog Is Here!

"This is our biggest show so far and probably the biggest we'll ever do". With these words Danny, the creative mind, heart and soul of DBDC, started our first practice for Dancing With the Stars (TV show known to everyone which we are honoured to be part of this season). To be honest I've heard the same words a few times before. From experience I've learned that it probably won't be the last time either. One of the best things about being part of DBDC is that you never know what new exciting, unique, absolutely fabulous opportunities await just behind the corner. You always think it can't get better than this yet it always does.

But to get here, to the biggest show we'll ever do (so far), it has taken us uncounted hours of hard work, sweating, sleepless nights, stitching costumes, practice practice practice, brainstorming, hugs, fights, laughter as well as uncounted kilometers on the road...It definitely hasn't come for free. And because of all this DBDC has grown into a unique kind of dancing family where all the amazing individuals work towards a common goal as a team - to be the best team, to always make our shows better, to make a difference, to bring joy of dancing to everyone irrespective of age, sex or skills.

Many people know us from TV shows such as Talent Suomi, Pakko Tanssia, Dance Suomi but this is only the top of the iceberg. We have performed all around Finland in venues varying from smallest pubs to biggest concert halls. It is quite amazing since we are all just regular Joes and Janes, working mothers and students, people working in different fields who just decided to start with a hobby that ended up being so much more we could ever hope for. Dancing with DBDC has made people shine brighter than they ever imagined they could shine. Many times we have been laughing that we should write a book about it all. Every show is like one chapter of the big story where all kinds of funny episodes, last minute changes, lost costumes, standing ovations and what not make our lives all the time richer with colorful memories. We hope it also brings color and joy to other people - those who dance with us in the dance classes, come see the shows, participate in the workshops etc.

While waiting for the book to be written we decided that this is all to wonderful not to be written down some way. So say hello to a brand new DBDC Blog! Here you will be able to follow our journey towards achieving our dreams. You will also learn more about people who are part of our team and how this journey has changed lives of so many in so many different ways. Welcome along everyone!

Happy DBDC team after the first practice for Dancing With The Stars

                                                                                                                        ~ by Hanna ~